« Help me understand

I just don’t understand. And I just don’t know why - either why I don’t understand or why we all need so much help understanding.


The impacts of climate change are real. They are here. The rocky coast of Maine has been impacted by flooding and destruction never before seen. The storms this winter have caused millions of dollars in damage. The coast of California is suffering from an atmospheric river bringing historic rains, and damage, and death.

I think that’s called “prima facia” evidence. Of course, I know that there is real scientific evidence behind the climate change claims - and the largest source of green house gas emission is transportation. That means cars. I know that other sources of greenhouse gas emission related to transportation exist - but the culprit is cars… No, wait, the culprit is car drivers.

The average American drives 26 miles per day.

Something strikes me. That’s 26 miles a day for each driver - that doesn’t account for passengers in the car. But wait.. maybe there are no passengers. And maybe that’s the problem.

American’s don’t carpool.

I’m no math whiz or statistical genius, but if every driver was part of a car pool with at least one other person, carbon emissions would be cut by 50%. I’m also no fool, so that’s not going to happen, but if every driver carpooled some times, carbon emissions would decrease. Isn’t that simple logic?

Almost all employers in this country are involved in the health insurance business - it’s mandated. While that’s a subject for another Two Minute rant, can’t employers encourage and facilitate car pooling to save carbon emissions? Of course they will moan about another mandate and the expense involved… of course.

But maybe the health of the planet hangs in the balance?

Full disclosures.

1. I do remember that car pooling was fashionable in the first gas price hike crisis. We all did it.
2. I don’t drive - and haven’t for 10 years. The state was so attentive when it came to my driving while legally blind. I car pool everywhere - have to.

Emissions Overview

Per Day Driving

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