Welcome to
the AREA Newsletter for September
MEETING - October 9, 2024
Greem Ladle at LHS
Arrival Time - 9:30 am for bringing goods to the auction
Start time - 10:00am with Auctioneer
Extraordinaire Cornelius.
- See all the available download for October here.
President's Message
Facebook - Remember we have BOTH a Facebook Page for MEA-Retired and a Group Page for AREA.
Retired Educators Group
Financial Reports
from Gina
AREA Day of Caring Project 2024 will be in November
Again this Year we will be helping the The Store Next Door, student program. Students from preschool to grade 12 who are homeless. Last month Roger put a list of needed supplies in the newsletter. They can also use Gift Cards to grocery stores … No more than $25 per card. I will collect items at the NOVEMBER MEETING. You can drop off or mail items to,171 Montello St. Lewiston. If I am not home just leave by breezeway door in a bag.
From the State
from Crystal Ward
Legislative News Oct 2024
Your MainePers check in September should have your increase for 2024. MainePers sent out a mailing on containing this information.
In Washington we are now waiting for up to a week for HR82 The Social Security Fairness Act to be brought to the floor of the House of Representatives for a vote. The bill has 327 co-signer. The next step if we get this passed is to the US Senate. Make sure to thank Rep. Golden and Rep. Pingree ...........................
“The petition will be live for 7 legislative days, then on the 8th day someone can discharge it, and then the speaker has 1-2 days to schedule a vote. Therefore, we are looking at a total of 10 legislative days. There are not enough remaining legislative days in September and Congress will be out of town in October. The bill will receive a vote the first or second week of November, after the elections “ Stephanie Salvador, NEA Federal Lobbyist
Election 2024 is in full swing. There have been dirty, nasty campaigns in our history and this one is joining them. The major tactic is this propaganda technique:
“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Joseph Goebbels. Among psychologists something like this known as the "illusion of truth" effect.” BBC
This is the same thing advertiser’s often use to get us to buy their produce.
MEA/ NEA endorsed candidates for Federal elections: President Harris, Senate King, Representative Golden and Representative Pingree. On the MEA web site you can find all of Maines Representatives and Maine Senators and the recommendations. It is very important who controls the Maine House and Senate.
Early vote begins in October in Maine; you can vote Absentee, early in person or on Election Day November 5, 2024. Contact your local town/city office for information.
Campaigns always need help, phone back, lawn signs, mailings, letters to editors, going door to door, driving the candidate around
Background on the WEP&GPO Bill -
Social Security Fairness Act
Graves & Spanberger: “Today is a Major Milestone Made Possible by Tireless Advocates Who’ve Made Clear that Congress Must Act”
U.S. Representatives Garret Graves (R-LA-06) and Abigail Spanberger (D-VA-07) today announced that their discharge petition for the bipartisan Social Security Fairness Act has hit 218 signatures — the number required to force a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Last week, Graves and Spanberger filed a
discharge petition to force a vote on their bipartisan legislation that
would eliminate both the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the
Government Pension Offset (GPO). These two provisions unfairly reduce or
eliminate earned Social Security benefits for approximately 2.8 million
Americans who’ve devoted much of their careers to public service —
including police officers, firefighters, educators, and federal, state,
and local government employees.
“Today is a major milestone
made possible by tireless advocates who’ve made clear that Congress must
act. From Louisiana to Virginia to everywhere else in America, millions of
retired public servants have waited more than 40 years for their elected
officials to tackle this fundamental issue of fairness. These retirees
deserve the benefits they earned through their hard work — and they
deserve to see the WEP and GPO eliminated,” said Graves and
Spanberger. “Over the past week, we’ve demonstrated that both
Republicans and Democrats — from across the political spectrum —
understand that the time is now to remove these penalties. But our work is
far from over. We will be dogged in making sure the Social Security
Fairness Act passes in the U.S. House, passes in the U.S. Senate, and
finally gets signed into law. We must get it
Now that the Graves-Spanberger discharge
petition is at 218 signatures, the petition will sit on the U.S. House
Calendar for seven legislative days. After that period, Reps. Graves and
Spanberger will request that the Speaker schedule it for a vote before the
full U.S. House of Representatives. According to U.S. House rules, a vote
will be scheduled within two legislative days.
Earlier today,
Graves and Spanberger hosted a press conference alongside representatives
of retired police officers, firefighters, letter carriers, government
employees, and educators from across the
The Social Security Fairness Act has 327 cosponsors — far more support than needed for the legislation to pass on the U.S. House floor.
This and
from Mona Ervin
Just a bit different than our usual submision from Mona... Thank you!!!
Monthly Quiz
from Mona Ervin
Cheesecake with a box mix!
Now, this one I haven't tried, but it sure looks EEZEE enough. It will be my next culinary adventure.
From https://www.cdkitchen.com/recipes/recs/31/Cheesecake_with_Cake_Mix42027.shtml
1 package (15-17 ounce size) yellow cake mix
4 eggs
2 tablespoons oil
2 packages (8 ounce size) cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup sugar
1 1/2 cup milk
3 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
pie filling (cherry, pineapple, blueberry, strawberry, etc.)
Preheat oven to 300 degrees F.
Measure out 1 cup of dry cake mix; set aside. In a large mixing bowl, stir together remaining dry cake mix, 1 egg, and oil (mixture will be crumbly). Press crust mixture evenly into bottom and of the way up the sides of a greased 13"x9"x2" pan. (I just put it on the bottom.)
In the same bowl, blend cream cheese and sugar together. Add 3 eggs and reserved cake mix; beat 1 minute at medium speed. At low speed gradually add milk, lemon juice, and vanilla; mix until smooth. Pour into crumb crust. Bake at 300 degrees F for 45 to 55 minutes, or until center is firm.
Cool to room temperature. Spoon pie filling over cheesecake; cover and chill 1 hour before serving. Store in refrigerator. Baked cheesecake can be frozen with a covering of foil.
You can use a springform pan if desired. Increase cooking time to 1 hour 10 minutes (or until center is almost firm)