Here's the newsletter for AREA for September 2022
Welcome to the AREA NEWSLETTER - September 2022
Androscoggin Retired Educators Association - Many thanks to Crystal Ward, Mona Ervin, Rosita Friel, and Gina Fuller for the contributions this month. Lots of news this month.
NEXT MEETING - October 12,
From the President - Rosita Friel
October will soon be upon us and with it our annual auction for scholarships.
Our auctioneer , Reuben Cornelius , is ready to take the reins again after our two year hiatus.
Please bring an item or two that will bring in the dimes and dollars as we have fun at the same
time. Baked goods also have been popular in the past and gift baskets or gift certificates ................................
Naturally bring a check book or cash to take home that donation you desire.
There will be a short business meeting in the beginning and then a break to look over thetables of goods etc. Then the action begins.until all is gone.
Our September meeting included electing a vice-President, Donna Whalen, and a Secretary,
Deanna Marken, to fill in for the rest of this two year term.
Donna will be in charge of nominations for 2023-2025. Voting is in the spring.
Winners of last month's drawings were Charlie Douglas, Crystal Ward, Sue Cornelius, Ruth Lacey and Penny Jaskalen.
Our meal in October will be prepared by the Sixth St. Church kitchen crew.
Please join us on October 12 at 10:30 for a busy and beneficial day.
Reservation for October 12, 2022 AREA meeting at Sixth St Congregational church at 10:30
Please send your reservation by October 5 to David Wing, 42 North Hatch Hill Road, Greene, ME 04236
Download this form to reserve a spot - October 12, 2022
Cost - $12.00
All the Downloads - Click this link to see all the downloads for September
October 12, 2022
Sixth St. Congregtational Church, Auburn,
Host: David Wing
Greeter- Crystal Ward
Signs of Stroke -
Call 9-1-1 right away if you or someone else has any of these symptoms.
Read More at -
Senior Citizen Health Tips
The following is information we can all use to help keep us safe and healthy
How can I make my home senior friendly?
Low-cost safety tips
The Senior's Guide to Staying Healthy Year-Round
Schedule annual physicals.
Here is a quick checklist to help maintain good health as you age.
Treasurer's Report
by Gina Fuller
Newsletter Notes!
Please feel free
to contribute to your newsletter. You can send contributions to me
by emailing them to -
Please note - MEA Retired now has a Facebook page - You can follow us there.
AND, AREA has a group page... feel free to join this group.
NOTE - The PAGE is viewable by everyone (everyone in the world). The GROUP is private - only AREA Members are pemitted to join.
Legislative Update
Crystal Ward - John Kosinski
Hello AREA,
September is going very fast !
The November Elections are very important to retired
As I have said many times, elections have
consequences and often they are not pleasant for retired. This November
Vote for friends of the Retired. If you want to know the voting records on
retired and education issues contact:
Two BIG issues for Maine Retired are : Retired in the MainePERS pension system need to reverse the terrible changes made in 2011 that are driving more and more closer to poverty. As I have stated the legislation passed by only Republicans, pushed by Poliquin and LaPage and signed into law by Gov. LaPage in 2011 has caused retired to lose thousands of dollars from 2011-2022. These are not your friends .
Social Security Offset Legislation -
The WEP/GPO Social Security Offset that strips
benefits from people who have earned them after paying into Social
Security for years. Both Rep. Pingree and Rep. Golden from Maine are
co-sponsors of the Social Security Fairness Act HR82 that would get rid of
the WEP and GPO and is up for a vote in the US House of Rep. soon. Here is
what happened in Washington DC on 9/20/22—“As you may recall, today
the House Ways and Means committee held a markup to consider H.R.82, the
Social Security Fairness Act. They voted to move the bill without a
recommendation. Although this does not kill the bill, it does delay the
process a bit because it will not be moving to the House floor for a vote
at the moment. There is still a chance that the bill could move during the
lame duck after the election. Oh the games they play.” Meg Gruber, NEA
Retired Legislative Chair
HR82 has 300 (91 republican) co-sponsors and only needs 217 votes to pass if brought to the floor of the House for a vote. Even this bipartisan bill cannot get to the floor !!! So disappointing.
The Democrats lead the charge to increase the percent of our health insurance paid by the state from 45% to 55% and Gov. Mills signed the bill into law. Democrat Representative Jan Dodge and leadership worked hard to get more of our pensions, State income tax exempt--- working to get to the same amount that Social Security exempts from Federal taxes. Gov. Mills signed this into law. Both Democrats and Republicans worked together to pass the State Budget.
New Property Tax Law for Homesteads of Senior
The Maine Legislature passed L.D. 290 - “An Act
To Stabilize Property Taxes for Individuals 65 Years of Age or Older Who
Own a Homestead for at Least 10 Years.” You DO NOT have to live in the
same house for 10 years and they do not have to be 10 consecutive years,
just any combination of places in Maine that add up to 10 years. You will
have to provide the addresses and years. This new law allows certain
senior residents to stabilize, or freeze, the property taxes on their
homestead. An applicant must be at least 65 years old, a permanent
resident of the State, and must have owned a Maine homestead for at least
ten years.
As long as the individual files an application each year, the tax on their homestead is fixed at the amount assessed in the year prior to the initial application; however if the tax goes down you bill will go down, it just cannot go up. Eligible residents may transfer the fixed tax amount to a new homestead, even between municipalities. The State will fully reimburse municipalities for lost revenue. The law went into effect on August 8, 2022, and applies to property tax years beginning April 1, 2023. Interested taxpayers will need to apply with the municipality where their homestead is located on or before December 1,2022.
Contact the Maine Revenue Services or your local municipality for the application. I have received and filled out the application and it is NOT long or complicated! For additional questions, please contact the Property Tax Division at (207) 624-5600 or
You can apply for an absentee ballot
and vote in person early. You will need to contact your town/City offices
for information. All Candidates need help of some kind , volunteer to
write a letter to the editor, help in mailings, driving the candidates
around, lawn signs , phone banks and more just contact the candidate to
want to help. VOTE VOTE VOTE
Tax Stabilization Form
Mona Ervin
ATM Robberies
Here is the latest scam being perpetrated on seniors in particular. It is called “jugging.” The crime known as "jugging,” is when a robber waits at a bank, check-cashing store or ATM for someone to withdraw paper money. They will then follow the individual who withdrew the money and attack. Our seniors are most at risk. With the holidays approaching this crime will only increase in scope and violence. Do not use an ATM if possible, when in a bank or check cashing store notice your surroundings. Make sure no one follows you out of the building. If you feel that you are being followed go to the nearest police department or call 911.
Election Scams
With elections just a few months away please be aware of the following election scams that have occurred in Pennsylvania and may occur here in Maine. Attorney General Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania explains some of the reported election scam in his state.
Attorney General Shapiro offered the following tips to help consumers avoid election scams:
This month's quiz is all about dance crazes. How well can you two-step through this quiz?
Questions -
1. The Twist and Twister. Hank Ballard wrote "The Twist", which became the B-side of Hank Ballard and The Midnighters' 1959 single "Teardrops on Your Letter". Dick Clark, having noticed the dance becoming popular among teenagers, recommended to Cameo Records that the more wholesome Chubby Checker rerecord the song, which was released in 1959 and became a number one hit in 1960. The game Twister was invented for Milton Bradley in 1966.
2. The Mashed Potato is a dance move which was a popular dance craze of 1962. The dance move and mashed potato song were first made famous by James Brown in 1959 and used in his concerts regularly. It was also a dance done to songs such as Dee Dee Sharp's "Mashed Potato Time"
3. Limbo is a popular game, based on
traditions that originated on the island of Trinidad. The aim is to pass forwards under a low bar
without falling or dislodging the bar. The dance originated as an event
that took place at wakes in Trinidad. It was popularized in the
1950s by dance pioneer Julia
4. A line dance is a choreographed dance in which a group of people dance along to a repeating sequence of steps while arranged in one or more lines or rows. These lines usually face all in the same direction, or less commonly face each other. Line dancing is commonly practiced and learned in country-western dance bars, social clubs, dance clubs and ballrooms. Line dances have accompanied many popular music styles since the early 1970s.
5. The Charleston was a very popular dance of the 1920s enjoyed by both young women (flappers) and young men of the "Roaring '20s" generation. The Charleston involves the fast-paced swinging of the legs and big arm movements. The Charleston became popular as a dance after appearing along with the song "The Charleston," by James P. Johnson, in the Broadway musical "Runnin' Wild" in 1923. In the 1920s, young men and women shed the stodgy etiquette and moral codes of their parents' generation and let loose in their attire, actions, and attitudes. Young women cut their hair, shortened their skirts, drank alcohol, smoked, wore makeup, and "parked." Dancing also became more uninhibited.
6. Square Dance. A square dance is an American folk dance form that involves four couples in a square formation dancing to a specific sequence or series of steps announced or cued by a caller.
7. "Monster Mash" is a 1962 novelty song by Bobby "Boris" Pickett. The footwork of Monster Mash is similar to that of the Mashed Potato but with Frankenstein-style monster gestures made with the arms and hands.
8. The Tango is a partner dance and social dance that originated in the 1880s along the Río de la Plata, the natural border between Argentina and Uruguay. The tango was frequently practiced in the brothels and bars of ports, where business owners employed bands to entertain their patrons with music.] The tango then spread to the rest of the world. Many variations of this dance currently exist around the world.
9. The Hustle is a catch-all name for some disco dances which were extremely popular in the 1970s. It was created by Puerto Rican teenagers in late 1972 as a direct result of Puerto Rican Elders objecting to young teenagers doing a grinding slow dance known as the 500.
10. YMCA is also the name of a group dance with cheerleader Y-M-C-A choreography invented to fit the song. One of the phases involves moving arms to form the letters Y-M-C-A as they are sung in the chorus: Y — arms outstretched and raised upwards. The letters are for the Young Men’s Christian Association.
11. The Belly Dance is a dance that has its origins in Egypt. It features movements of the hips and torso. It has evolved to take many different forms depending on the country and region, both in costume and dance style; with the Egyptian styles and costumes being the most recognized worldwide due to Egyptian cinema.
12. Gangnam
Style, the song and its music
video went viral in August 2012 and have influenced
popular culture worldwide. In the United States, "Gangnam
Style" peaked at number two on Billboard Hot 100. By the end of
2012, "Gangnam Style" had topped the music charts of more than 30
countries including Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Russia,
Spain, and the United Kingdom. Psy's dance in the music
video itself became a cultural phenomenon. In September
2012, "Gangnam Style" was recognized by Guinness World
Records as the first YouTube
video to hit 1 billion views.
13. The Mambo originated in Cuba in the 1930s. Mambo is enjoyed throughout the world at both the social and competitive dance levels. The mambo is a favorite of ballroom audiences because of its high energy level and infectious rhythms. The Mambo dance originated as a mixture of Afro-Caribbean and Latin American cultures.
14. Break Dancing, also called breaking and B-boying is an energetic form of dance, fashioned and popularized by African Americans and Latinos, that includes stylized footwork and athletic moves such as back spins or head spins. Break dancing originated in New York City during the late 1960s and early ’70s, incorporating moves from a variety of sources, including martial arts and gymnastics. Break dancing is largely improvisational
15. The Waltz. Shocking many when it was first introduced, the waltz became fashionable in Vienna around the 1780s, spreading to many other countries in the years to follow. The objections to waltzing were due to the fact that it allowed partners an immodest degree of physical contact, and encouraged licentious thoughts in men when they placed their hands on a woman's body.
Simple for September
Onions - Chopped
Garlic - Diced
Zucchini Squash - Chopped in bite sized pieces
Tomatoes - Chopped in bite sized pieces
Chicken Sausage - Cut in diagonal slices - "French cut"
Red Wine - half a cup
Secret Ingredient - Ginger Ale - half a cup
1. Saute the oninons and garlic - season with salt and pepper
2. Add the zucchini and tomatoes - simmer but don't overcook
3. Add the sausage and wine - simmer but don't overcook
4. Add the secret ingedient - ginger ale... makes it all sweeter - simmer but don't overcook.
Enjoy this simple dish with garlic bread and the rest of the wine. Pretend you are in Italy.
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