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For Your Information!
Welcome to AREA -
Androscoggin Retired
Educators Association - Many thanks to Crystal Ward and Mona Erving for
the contributions this month.
Newsletter Notes!
Please feel
free to contribute to your newsletter. You can send contributions to
me by emailing them to -
It's great to hear from our membership!!
To Your Health -
The goal of this quarantine is to flatten the curve of contagion, according to the indications of epidemiologists. In other words, reducing the rate at which the virus spreads over time. This way, it gives an advantage to our health system to respond properly to this crisis without becoming overwhelmed.
The current coronavirus outbreak began in
the city of Wuhan, China, in December 2019. In China, it came to infect
more than 80,000 people. At the same time, it has expanded around
the globe to more than 200,000 people and has caused, as we write, nearly
9000 deaths. (Those numbers have changed. The current number
is over 90,000 deaths.)
The fatality rate of COVID-19 is approximately 3 to 4%, meaning approximately 4 out of every 100 infected individuals die. However, when we separate the data, the true risk groups appear. Persons that are over the age of 65 are at a greater risk of dying from coronavirus complications. What’s more, in those who are older than 80, the mortality rate is approximately 15%.
The purpose of isolation, which is recommended for all citizens, including the elderly, is to reduce the spread of the virus. Perhaps the final number of infected individuals will be the same as it would be without these measures. However, quarantine gives time to health systems to respond.
What’s more, a principal objective of isolation measures is to protect the most vulnerable groups. Data indicates that the groups that are most likely to suffer serious consequences of coronavirus are the following:
Quarantine is more of a social responsibility than a legal imposition from the government, but many governments have made it into law. Even if you’re young and don’t have any of the above-mentioned health problems, it’s still important to stay at home. Why? To keep the virus from reaching your friends, neighbors, family members, and acquaintances that are at greater risk.
Source -
you want up-to-date information on the pandemic and its impact, consult
this link -
or directly at -
This is the best resource for daily updates on both the national and international situation. If you follow the links, you can even get a state by state analysis.
Stay isolated to stay well.
Mona Irving
Information from the FBI:
Seniors should be aware of fraud schemes for the following reasons:
Currently frauds to be aware of are claims of cures for the COVID-19 virus. THERE ARE NO CURES OR VACCINES at this time. Do not fall victim to false claims. Remember if it sound too good to be true – it is a con. When in doubt contact your local law enforcement authorities, the Better Business Bureau, or a reliable advocate.
Remember - if you have to go out in public - maintain six feet of social distance and wear a mask and gloves. Keep hand sanitizer in your vehicle and on you if possible.
Crystal Ward
News for Washington
Support the HEROES Act
The loss of revenue to State and local government from COVID-19 continues to mount. State and local governments are facing huge shortfalls-- Maines loss could be $500 million to $1billion. More than 36 million Americans are unemployed, including nearly 40 percent of those from households earning less than $40,000 which hits many Mainers. The US. House of Representatives has acted decisively, passing the $3 trillion HEROES Act.
Now, the US Senate must act, but Senator Mitch McConnell ,Republican leader is refusing to put this bill on the floor in the Senate for a vote. The largest American employer is, by far, the United States Federal government with over four million employees worldwide adding in State and local government employees the number is about 7.4 million. Wal-Mart, the retailing giant follows with 1.8 million employees. We often forget this economy fact--Government (local,county,State,Federal) is the largest employer in the USA!
Washington had no problem bailing out a business like the airline industry to help the economy and save jobs but when millions of government jobs are on the line they do not want to help these workers! If State and local governments do not get money from the Federal Government millions of jobs will be lost. This would be an economic disaster for MAINE and the country.
Please contact: Senator
Angus King-- 133 Hart Building Washington D.C
Phone: (202) 224-5344 Website:
Please contact: Senator Susan Collins --55 Lisbon St Ste 1100, Lewiston, ME 04240
Phone: (207) 784-6969 Website
Now is the time to write, call, go to the website and make your voices heard TODAY
News from MainePers MainePERS is extending the deadline for filing the Annual Statement of Compensation and all associated documents required to continue receiving disability retirement payments to July 15, 2020. This replaces the information we sent earlier this month reminding you of the requirement to file your Annual of Statement of Compensation (ASC) Packet (Three-page form with detachable ASC form) by the standard IRS tax filing deadline. Because of the current concern surrounding COVID-19, MainePERS is extending that deadline this year to be consistent with the IRS modified tax filing.
Offices will remain closed to the public through June 1st, or earlier if circumstances allow. The best way to get an answer to your question is to send an email to Please include your name and phone number, but do not include your Social Security number in your message. If you are unable to email, please call us at 207-512-3100 and leave your name, phone number and a very brief message.
COLA for 2021 will not be announced until August 2020 |
Mendocino Chicken Salad |
1 (6 ounce) package smoked chicken breast, skin removed, cubed
1 cup seedless grapes, halved 1⁄2 cup diced red onion
3 stalks celery, diced
1⁄4 cup fresh basil leaves, cut into thin
strips 1 cup blanched slivered almonds
3⁄4 cup mayonnaise
In a large bowl, combine the smoked chicken, grapes, red onion, celery, basil, almonds, and mayonnaise. Mix well; chill and serve.
Feel free to make a sandwich or a wrap.
Enjoy on the backporch, the side lawn, or the driveway with others on a great spring day!
Changes to the Newsletter - FYI
So, we've made a few changes.
You will receive a newsletter in the middle of every month, except December and January.
Crystal Ward will write a column on Legislative Updates.
Mona Ervin will write a column on
SCAM Alerts and AARP Updates.
Sue Cornelius will write the Ritter Newsletter.
Roger Fuller will write a column on To Your Health and Recipes.
In this way, you get news and updates once a month.
Bulletins are important and timely updates and will be sent as needed.
Feel free to contribute - Send your articles and pictures to