Welcome to the Androscoggin Area Retired Educators' Association Newsletter for March 2023
From the President - Rosita Friel
It was great to see so many members and potential new
members at our meeting in March.
We had a wonderful presenter
that morning. Miles Felch from the Maine Mineral Museum in Bethel gave us
a lesson in geology in Maine.
Gina Fuller has become our favorite membership builder bringing in seven retired teachers to the meeting, with more to come she said. Looks like our association will continue to be the most active in the state.
The Green Ladle staff and cooks proved again to be the best in creating a wonderful lunch buffet.
Spring is in the air and we need to embrace it
for our own positive outlook as we continue to plan for
Next month our meeting will be on Wednesday,
April 12 at the Green Ladle in Lewiston at 10:30am.
We have three people representing the Androscoggin Historical Society who will tell us about the new site for all their items and more about how they have enjoyed their part in all of this. Our own members Marj Clifford and Becky Drew and their partner Curt Jack will be our
Cost of the Chef’s Choice Luncheon is
$18.00 per person.
Please make checks out to AREA. (not David) by April 3 rd
Next month our meeting will be held at the Green Ladle in Lewiston on April 12 at 10:30am.
Reservations for our APRIL meeting should be sent to:
David Wing
42 Hatch Hill Rd.
Greene, ME 04236
Cost of the meal is $18.00 for a business
luncheon. Please make checks out to AREA by April 3,
Treasurer's Report
from Gina Fuller
Click this link to read the treasurer's report for March 2023.
The March Luncheon cost our treasury $131. 55 Members paid for the March Luncheon with several not able to attend. We initially were charged for 47 meals but when I did a head count I counted 49 people. Green Label counted 50 meals. I will pay for that extra meal next month. We were charged a service charge of $164.50 and a room rental of $100.
Volunteer Hours!
Please remember to submit your volunteer hours!!
Joyce has added this simple to use form. Download it here. Let's go team!!
From the State House
by Crystal Ward
March AREA News Letter
In Augusta, there have been 2000 bills proposed as of Mar 5, only 900 have been printed things are moving slow. What we have seen show three major bills impacting retired in MainePers. The first thing worked on was the Supplemental Budget it contained another Ad Hoc one time COLA increase of 1% for this year, it passed.
The legislature’s Labor and Housing Committee UNANIMOUSLY voted to send a report to the Appropriations Committee asking them to prioritize pension improvements in the state budget. This is great news. It is nice to see strong, bipartisan support to make necessary improvements to our pension and retirement benefits. They unanimously passed all three bills below!!!!!!!
LD 111 would require the State to pay the Medicare Cost of $164 per month.
LD 112 would increase the State’s share of the cost of Health Care Insurance from 55% to 65% by 2024
LD70 Provides that the cost-of-living allowance (COLA) increases for retired state employees and teachers and their beneficiaries apply to a retiree's entire retirement benefit instead of only to the first $24,911.84 (2023 COLA cap amount) of the retirement benefit. Some members are confused they believe when they get a 3% COLA increase that it applies to their whole amount like Social Security this is NOT true. If your Pension is $37,000 you receive a COLA increase on only the first $24,911.84 (2023) so you did not receive a real 3% raise! The Committee approved lifting the COLA cap amount to $40,000!
All of these bills are costly, but they need to do something to help correct the mess a legislature made in 2011.
In addition, please consider writing the members of the Labor Committee. Thank them for their UNANIMOUS support of LD 70 to lift the COLA cap to $40,000, LD 111 and LD 112 .Nothing fancy just a simple Thank you will go a long ways ....................................
You can send a note of thanks to the members of the Labor and Housing Committee by emailing - LBHS@legislature.maine.gov The message will get to all legislators on the Labor Committee. . Start you message with: Honorable Senator Tipping and Representative Roeder and members of the Labor and Housing Committee…
More work to be done to get these through the Appropriations Committee ,the House, the Senate and get the Governor to sign into law, but so far things are positive .
Down in Washington D.C.
House Bill HR 82 the Social Security Fairness Bill has been reintroduced and Representatives Golden and Pingree have already co-signed.
In the Senate ,Senators Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Susan Collins (R-ME), joined by Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA), reintroduced the Senate version S597 of the Social Security Fairness Act. The bill would fully repeal the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) that deprive 2.5 million public-service workers, including educators, of Social Security benefits they have earned. Senator King is expected to co-sign this bill. That’s step 1 of many, so here we go again.
Please say thank you to Senator Collins
collins.senate.gov and Rep Golden golden.house.gov
TV Ads are saying that there will be cuts to Medicare Advantage Plan , Like our MEABT Medicare Advantage Plan.
I have been asked to look into this, here is what I could find from VERIFY
Potential cuts to Medicare benefits have been a hot topic for U.S. lawmakers in recent months. Now, advertisements claim President Biden's administration is proposing cuts to Medicare Advantage that could reduce benefits by hundreds of dollars per retiree. Many VERIFY readers asked us if those claims are true.
We can VERIFY that, no, the Biden administration is not proposing cuts to Medicare Advantage benefits.
Two recent announcements from the Biden administration are likely behind the claims about cuts to Medicare Advantage benefits.
One is a rule change that would allow the federal government to recover past overpayments to Medicare Advantage insurers and is set to take effect in April. Second, the federal government recently announced a proposed update to how Medicare Advantage insurers will be paid starting in 2024.
But the changes don't require cuts to benefits for Medicare Advantage enrollees, experts say.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
for Medicare and Medicaid
I will keep you informed as things happen .
Crystal Ward , Legislative chairperson
To Your Health - Eye
In case you missed the news about eyedrop recalls here is the latest information from AARP.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued recall notices for eye drop manufacturers Pharmedica and Apotex, citing contamination concerns. In February, EzriCare Artificial Tears were recalled after being linked to antibiotic-resistant infections.
Which brands of drops have been recalled? EzriCare and Delsam Pharma "Artificial Tears Lubricant Eye Drops." Global Pharma Healthcare on February 2 recalled all lots of its EzriCare and Delsam Pharma brands of "Artificial Tears Lubricant Eye Drops," which it said could be contaminated with bacteria
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued recall notices for eye drop manufacturers Pharmedica and Apotex, citing contamination concerns. In February, EzriCare Artificial Tears were recalled after being linked to antibiotic-resistant infections. At least 55 cases were reported, which resulted in vision loss, hospitalization and one death.
From Mona Ervin
Protect Yourselves!!!!
If a caller says your computer has a problem, hang up.
If you get a pop-up message to call tech support, ignore it. Some pop-up messages about computer issues are legitimate, but do not call a number or click on a link that appears in a pop-up message warning you of a computer problem.
If you’re worried about a virus or other threat, call your security software company directly, using the phone number on its website, the sales receipt, or the product packaging. Or consult a trusted security professional.
Never give someone your password, and don’t give remote access to your computer to someone who contacts you unexpectedly.
If you have been or suspect that you have been scammed do the following:
If you shared your password with a scammer, change it on every account that uses this password. Remember to use unique passwords for each account and service. Consider using a password manager.
Get rid of malware. Update or download legitimate security software. Scan your computer, and delete anything the software says is a problem. If you need help, consult a trusted security professional.
If the affected computer is connected to your network, you or a security professional should check the entire network for intrusions.
If you bought bogus services, ask your credit card company to reverse the charges, and check your statement for any charges you didn’t approve. Keep checking your credit card statements to make sure the scammer doesn’t try to re-charge you every month.
Report the attack right away to the FTC at FTC.gov/Complaint.
Reverse Mortgage Scams - In
this day and age of soring costs for everything, many seniors are falling
victim to reverse mortgage scams.
Many seniors see reverse mortgages as a way to maintain the life style
they have become accustomed to, but beware these mortgages may not
be as rosy as they appear.
Reverse Mortgage information to be aware of:
The timing of the green post card from National Data Research couldn’t be better. With its bold headline, “New Government Program for Seniors Over 62,” the unsolicited mailing offers some welcome promises in these tough economic times: the chance to pay off existing mortgages and credit card debt, make home repairs and renovations, even the ability to “enhance your lifestyle.”
Just sign the postage-paid card, list your phone number and your age and your spouse’s, and you’ll receive “free information about how much money you qualify for.” After all, the card notes, “It is your Legal Right as a United States Taxpayer to receive all the Information available to you.”
What is not disclosed anywhere on the post card is its real purpose: to collect your contact information so it can be sold to vendors of reverse mortgages. And from there, it could be sold to other salesmen, resulting in unwanted mail and telephone solicitations.
Although there is nothing illegal about selling reverse mortgages, which let property owners collect money borrowed against equity they’ve acquired in their homes, this recent mailing is another example of correspondence that masquerades as official government offerings when it’s anything but.
In this case, National Data Research is another official-sounding name used by Acc-U-Lead, a Texas-based company with a long history of mailing what authorities call deceptive mailings that target older citizens.
The bottom line: Don’t let an official-sounding name fool you, in letters, e-mails or phone calls. A bona fide government entity can easily be checked with an online search, and these copycats are likely to be scammers who ask for upfront fees for “free government money.”
KNOW from Mona Ervin
Well, as the saying goes, March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. The beginning of March was certainly “lionlike” almost monster like with the snow and the wind gusts. In that vein, this months quiz is all about monsters. Not the friendly ones like Sully and Mike from Monsters, Inc, but the evil kind. The monsters described below come from literature and movies. How many can you identify?
1.The Minotaur
2. Frankenstein
3. Medusa
4.Bigfoot or Sasquatch
5.The Hydra
6. Zombies
7. Godzilla
8. Gila Monster
9. Dracula
10.Loch Ness Monster
At long last, I feel vinidcated.
Everyone, well, lots and
lots of people, give me a hard time for contending that a box cake has
everything you need, and not enough of what you want. My reputation
as a kitchen experimenter is known, and sometimes ridiculed in the family.
How exciting to read this web page.
And Mona sends along this book to consider. I ordered the book on Amazon. (Thanks Mona!)
"other" thing you might try is adding a half-cup of ricotta cheese to the
mix. That works very well with a lemon cake, creating a nice, moist
Italian lemon cake.
Let's keep it always - EEEEZEEE KWEEEZEEEN
See you on April 12, 2023.