Welcome to the AREA NEWSLETTER - March
Androscoggin Retired Educators Association - Many thanks to Crystal Ward, Mona Ervin and Gina Fuller for the contributions this month.
Newsletter Notes!
Please feel free
to contribute to your newsletter. You can send contributions to me
by emailing them to - area@mainenet.org
or rfuller@mainenet.org
Please note - MEA Retired now has a Facebook page - You can follow us there.
A New Digital Hangout? - Anyone? - I've noticed that many people avoid Facebook because they are concerned with false news and security issues. I also wonder if there is a use for a "forum" that is open to only members and a place to exchange information between those members. A forum for AREA users could be a place to communicate, leave notes, and discuss issues common to the group.
You can check out the forum at
this web site - mainenet.net/forums - You will be
asked to register. Then you can go back into the forum andexplore
what you wish. The forum can be customized to meet our group needs.
Let me know if you have questions by writing - rfuller@mainenet.org
If you want up-to-date information on the pandemic and its impact, consult this link -
or directly at -
Mona Ervin
It's that time again for our monthly newsletter. Not to sound like a broken record, but it is worth repeating, elder Americans are most likely to fall victim to financial fraud or confidence schemes, including romance, lottery, sweepstakes and others to name a few. We seniors are targeted as we tend to be more trusting and polite, usually own our own homes and have good credit. All of these things make us attractive to scammers. Seniors are apt not to report fraud because of shame and/or fear that their independence will be compromised if family members are aware of the successful fraud. Additionally, seniors often do not know how to report the fraud.
Report suspected fraud to your local police or sheriff departments; the better business bureau; or your local FBI office. To locate your nearest FBI Field Office go to: https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices. You can also file a complaint with the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center if the fraud was perpetrated via computer. To do so, go to : http://www.ic3.gov.
Common elder scams to be aware of:
Romance Scam – Scammers pose as romantic partners to get money.
Tech Support Scam – Criminals pose as tech support representatives offering to fix a non-existent computer, phone or television problem.
Grandparent Scam – Scammers pose as a relative or friend claiming financial need. A word of caution, I – Mona – received such a call this week, the “grandchild” said “Hi Grandma.” I hung up immediately, my grandchildren have pet nicknames for me and grandma is not one. Be alert to how you are addressed by the caller.
Government Impersonation Scams – Criminals claim to work for the government and threaten you with arrest or persecution unless you agree to turn over funds to them. They may also demand your social security number. NEVER, NEVER GIVE OUT THIS NUMBER or forward money to the caller.
Sweepstakes/Charity/Lottery Scams – Scammers claim that you have won something or must donate to a worthy cause and insist upon a “fee” before turning over the “winning’ information to you.
Home Repair Scams – Scammers will appear at your door or call offering and often pressuring you to agree to have them do home repairs/home improvement work. These individuals will ask for money in advance of doing the work. Never pay for services in advance.
Let's Get Into the Spirit of Spring With a Spring Trivia Quiz.
1. On the first day of spring, the hours of daylight and of darkness are equal.
( ) True ( ) False
2. The ancient Greeks celebrated Mother’s Day in spring.
( ) True ( ) False
3. Spring Fever is a real physical condition
( ) True ( ) False
4. An emerald represents spring.
( ) True ( ) False
5. William Wordsworth wrote a famous poem about daffodils.
( ) True ( ) False
6. Spring is the shortest of the seasons.
( ) True ( ) False
7. Who coined the term, “Hope springs eternal…?”
8. On the first day of spring, where on Earth would one see the Sun passing directly overhead?
(a) at the equator (b) at the Tropic of Capricorn (c) at the Tropic of Cancer (d) at the Artic Circle.
9. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true about the spring tide?
(a) It occurs only during the full moon (b) it occurs during the full and new moon (c) it is higher than the neap tide (d) it occurs every 18.6 years
10. Finding a four leaf clover is thought to bring you good luck.
( ) True ( b) False
Crystal Ward
Two bills LD 84 and LD293 were introduced to get the State to increase the amount they contribute to our health care insurance from 45 percent to 55 percent. In February 17, 2021 the committee held a public hearing over ZOOM and I testified for MEA Retired. The Education and Cultural Affairs Committee voted 12 to 1 to pass LD 293 to increase from 45 percent to 55 percent the States share. The process continues with votes needed in the House and Senate, then to the Appropriations Committee and the last step to get the Governor to sign it into law. We have great hope we can get this bill through the whole process this time. Thank you goes to Honorary MEA-Retired member Rep. Jan Dodge of Belfast and the Education Committee for their help and support.
Now it is time for all of you to contact your Maine Representative and Maine Senator and ask them to support LD 293 and tell them why you believe it is important .You can use letters, Emails, phone ,go next door and talk to them If you do not know your people please contact me and I will help you. Cward10@roadrunner.com.
We will need to contact the Appropriations Committee and I will email you information when that time comes.
You can also go to Maine Legislative website to find information
Down in Washington DC the NEA is working to get bills reintroduced. H.R. 82 the Social Security Fairness Act which would repeal both the GPO and The WEP has been introduced. The companion bill for Senate has not been introduced yet. You will be updated as events happen.
American Rescue Plan Act ($1.9 Trillion) passed March 8 and is going to the President Biden desk to be signed into law. This bill will help, directly or indirectly, about 90 percent of people in Maine and is directed at the middle and poor class. This money is not going to top 5 percent of Americans. There is $170 billion for Education to get student safely back to school.
The MEA Retired Executive Committee met on March 1, 2021. They discussed having a Pause Year on the Awards/Recognition of volunteer and exercise hours at the 2021 Annual Meeting in May. Due to the unusual circumstances that began in March 2020 and are ongoing thru March 2021, the volunteer activities that many of our members would have done became unavailable to many of our members. The discussion ended with a decision to support a Pause Year. The Community Participation Awards/ Recognitions at our 2022 May Annual Meeting. That would mean that volunteer and exercise hours would begin April 1, 2021 and end March 31, 2022.
American Rescue Plan Act ,$1.9 Trillion passed and is going to the President Biden desk to be signed into law. This bill will help most people in Maine and is directed at the middle and poor class. This money is not going to top 5 percent of Americans. There is over $170 billion for Education to get student safely back to school.
Central Maine Healthcare, the state of Maine, the city of Auburn, and the city of Lewiston are launching a regional mass COVID-19 vaccination site at the Auburn Mall on March 17. The high-volume vaccination site is the first to open in Androscoggin County. Vaccination will be available to Maine residents in accordance with Maine’s age-based eligibility approach.
Remember call 211 if you need help, they have a great deal of informtion for programs all across Maine!
Treasurer's Report
We invite you to follow us on Facebook:
Retired - Facebook
For some of us, cast
iron cookware is the best, and enameled cast iron cookware is better than
the best. Last month, the featured recipe was for a cast iron baked
bread, and believe me, that's a keeper.
To keep your cast iron healthy, check out this link from All Recipes.
https://www.allrecipes.com/article/cast-iron-cooking-mistakes/?did=552080-20200820&utm_campaign=alrcom-whats-cooking_newsletter&utm_source=allrecipes.com&utm_medium=email&utm_content=082020&cid=552080& ;mid=39219842316
AND.. while on the topic of cast iron,
here's a recipe that is both simple and "cast" in
Grandma's Cast Iron Skillet Apple Pie - from All