Welcome to the August Newsletter for Androscoggin Retired Educators
Association - AREA .
There's lots and lots of
information in this newsletter. We tried to put most of it directly in the
newsletter, but some people prefer to see all the available information -
Here's a link to the Download

I hope you all had a restful, peaceful and
enjoyable summer. I want to thank the Board of Directors personally for
their hard work to ensure that we have a solid schedule for next year of
places to meet and presenters or speakers at each one. Also we will start
off the year with a celebration to remind us of the longevity of the
Androscoggin Retired Educators Association.
Thank you
to many of you for sending me get well cards as I had my right
replaced – seems to be coming along very well.
I look
forward to seeing you all in the fall.
David Wing
Registration Form
Click this link to view and print
the September registration form.
Registration Form
Print the
form and mail it by September 8, 2024 to -
36 Elliott Ave
Lewiston, ME
Time to

from Gina Fuller
has provided us with lots of information.. here are links to the most
Report Overview - July 31, 2024
Year Comparison Treasurers Report
of Year Budget Report - 2023-2024
Budget - 2024-2025

Day of Caring
Hello AREA, We are
continuing MEA Retired Day of Caring Program with our
The Store Next Door Project for 2024.
Below is the list of needed student supplies.
You can also get a gift card from any
grocery store, No larger amount than $25.00.
Please bring to our November Meeting. We
are moving the event to November.
Or drop off at 171 Montello St, Lewiston
Or call Crystal at 207-786-7084
LISTS From The Store Next Door
Middle School
Supplies List 2024 | High School Supplies LIst
• #2 Pencils • Colored
Pencils • Pencil Sharpener • Pens • 12 inch Ruler •
Pocket Folders • 3-Ring Binder • 3-hole punch • College
Ruled Loose Leaf 3 Hole Paper • Spiral Notebooks • Sticky
Notes • Highlighters • Markers • Tabbed Dividers •
Wire Bound Weekly Planner • USB Flash Drive • Backpack •
Lunchbox • Hand sanitizer • Locker organizers • Glue
stick • Pencil case • Stapler • Scissors

From Crystal Ward
We can all go back to school! Isn't that why
we became teachers?
To register for membership and classes at the LA
Senior College, go to this link
LA Senior

from Mona Ervin
Here are some recent scams
and how to protect yourself.
Be careful whenever a company or person asks you
to refund or forward part of a payment. Look for suspicious
payment requirements. Scammers often ask for payments via wire transfer,
money order, cryptocurrency or gift cards.
Perhaps the most obvious example of scammers using new
technology to power existing scams comes from artificial intelligence
(AI). For example, scammers might use AI to:
- Write more convincing and
natural-sounding phishing
emails and text messages.
- Create deepfakes of celebrities to trick
victims into thinking they're investing in a good company or
- Impersonate the victim's
friend or relative and ask for money as part of a grandparent
- Impersonate an employer
and ask for personal information.
The potential to create an image, video or voice of
someone else could make existing scams even more believable, and opens up
new opportunities for scammers.
3. Phone Scams
Scammers may contact you by phone, and some
scams rely on smartphones' capabilities to access the internet
and install
These can include:
- Robocalls: Robocalls have
people's phones ringing nonstop with increasingly natural-sounding
recorded voices. They may offer everything from auto warranties to
vacations, or issue a threat to try and get your attention. Some robocalls
can even respond to your questions.
- Impersonators: Scammers impersonate IRS
personnel, police, survey takers, relatives, delivery people and
well-known companies to threaten you or gain your trust. They use scare
tactics related to your Social Security number, criminal record or account
before asking for your personal, account or credit card
- Apps: Scammers may try to get you to install a
malicious app to steal your information. Or, they might create a nearly
identical copy of an existing app and then make money from in-app
QR codes:
These convenient codes have gained popularity as a touchless option to do
things like read a restaurant menu or make a payment. However, scammers
place their QR codes in inconspicuous spots, and scanning the code could
prompt you to make a small purchase or enter your credentials on a
look-alike website.
How to Avoid a Scam
While scammers' delivery methods and messaging can
quickly change, a few basic security measures can help protect you from
the latest and most common scams:
- Be skeptical when someone
contacts you. Scammers can spoof
calls and emails to make it look like they are coming from
different sources, including government agencies, charities, banks and
large companies. Don't share personal information, usernames, passwords or
one-time codes that others can use to access your accounts or steal
your identity.
- Don't click
unknown links. Whether the link arrives in your email, a
text or a direct message, never click on it unless you're certain the
sender has good intentions. If the message says it's from a company or
government agency, call the company using a number that you look up on
your own to confirm its legitimacy.
- Be careful with your
phone. Similarly, if
you suspect a spam call, don't respond or press a button. The safest
option is to hang up or ignore the call entirely. You can always look up
the organization and initiate a call yourself if you're worried there may
actually be an issue.
- Enable multifactor
authentication. Add this feature to any accounts that offer
it as an option, and try to use a non-SMS version to protect yourself from
SIM swapping.
- Research
companies before taking any actions. Before you make a
purchase or donation, take a few minutes to review the company. Do a web
search for its name plus "scam" or "reviews" and research charities on Charity
Navigator and CharityWatch.
- Don't refund or forward
overpayments. Be careful whenever a company or person asks
you to refund or forward part of a payment. Often, the original payment
will be fraudulent and taken back later.
- Look for suspicious payment
requirements. Scammers often ask for payments via wire
transfer, money
order, cryptocurrency or gift cards. These payments can be harder to
track and cancel than other forms of payment, which can leave you stuck
without recourse.

From Crystal Ward
It is get involved time! The national
elections/state… for President/Vice President, US Senator, US
Representatives, Maine House, Maine Senate, some municipal election and
ballot questions are coming in November 2024.
Every election has consequences – Positive and
negative—every election impacts your life in some way big or
small. Many people say they are not political ….. But political
decision impacts our lives every minute of every day.
There are many ways to help in elections: volunteer to help any
candidate, have a sign put on your yard, make phone calls, help in
political offices, go door to door with a candidate, send money to people
you support (every $1.00 Helps), write letters to the editor, drive a
candidate around, attend a rally, drive voters to the polls on election
day, help people get absentee ballots, be involved in a big or small
PLEASE VOTE !!!!! VOTE !!!!!
MEA has completed
the Screening and endorsement process and will have the information
available on-line .
You can
now contact the Maine Secretary of State to sign up for an absentee ballot
............................................ Now you can sign up to always
get an absentee Ballot sent to you on State and Federal
You can
also contact your local town or city election person for an absentee
If you are not on
my Legislative team list and want to be please email your name, affiliate,
e-mail, address ,phone number to cward10@roadrunner.com

While the 70th anniversary of AREA is
important there are many other anniversaries that are remembered for
occurring in September. How many can you name based on the
After being missing for over 70 years the
wreck of a famous ship is discovered in September 1985. Name the
A massive fire occurred in this major
city in 1666. Over 13,000 homes were destroyed but fortunately only
six people died. Name this major city.
On September 5, 1972 eleven athletes were
murdered while preparing for an international competition. What is
the name of this event?
In September of 1940 the Germans launched
an attack against its enemy. The attacks went on for 57 consecutive
nights. What was the event called and against what
One of the world's longest reigning
monarchs died in September 2022. Who was this person?
The deadliest terrorist attack against
the United States occurred this month. Over 3,000 people died and
many continue to die from long lasting effects of the attack. Name
this important event.
This ship set sail for America in
1620. Name the ship.
Responding to financial concerns, this
new department was created in 1789. Name the department.
The oldest continuously occupied settlement of Europeans in
the contiguous United States was founded in 1565. Name this
In 1692 individuals also known as 'hags'
were brought to trial. What were these trials called?
This religious leader was visited by the Angel Moroni. Who was this
Scottish biologist Alexander Fleming
discovered this important medicine. What is the
Hitler's armies
invaded this nation starting WW 2. What was this
This American city in the south was captured by armies under General
T. Sherman. Name the city.
This American President survived two
assassination attempts in 1975. Who was this
Quiz Answers
The Titanic.
London, England.
The Munich Massacre - carried out by the
Palestinian terrorist group Black September at the Munich
The Blitz was against London,
Queen Elizabeth the Second.
Known simply as 9-11.
The Mayflower.
Department of the Treasury.
St. Augustine , Florida.
The Salem Witch Trials.
Joseph Smith was led by the angel to the "Golden Plates" that became
the basis of the Book of Mormon.
Atlanta, Georgia.
President Gerald

found this recipe while exploring this site.

This looks wicked easy and wicked good,
and no one gets better than that.
Slow Cooker
cup lukewarm water
1½ teaspoons active dry yeast
2½ cups bread
1½ teaspoons salt
1 tablespoon lukewarm water, or more as
parchment paper
¼ cup sesame
1 - Stir 1 cup water and yeast together in a small bowl until yeast is
dissolved. Let sit until frothy or foamy, about 10
Step 2 - Mix flour and salt together in a plastic
container with a tight-fitting lid. Add yeast mixture and stir with a
wooden spoon until evenly combined and no traces of flour remain. Add 1 to
2 tablespoons water and stir again; dough should be tacky but not
Step 3 - Cover container with the lid. Let dough rise at
room temperature for 1 hour.
Step 4 - Set slow cooker to High.
Cut a piece of parchment paper to line the bottom of your slow
Step 5 - Dust a clean work surface with flour. Fold
dough briefly with floured hands to get rid of any air pockets. Shape into
a round or oval loaf depending on the shape of your slow
Step 6 - Sprinkle some of the sesame seeds on the
bottom of the slow cooker. Sprinkle remaining seeds generously all around
the loaf. Place dough in the slow cooker and cover with the
Step 7 - Cook on High for 2 hours. Lift the lid a couple
of times during cooking to release the steam. An instant-read thermometer
inserted deep into the loaf should read between 200 and 210 degrees F (93
to 99 degrees C). The surface of the bread should be dry and no longer
spongy. Remove the loaf and tap the bottom; it should sound
Step 8 - Remove loaf from the slow cooker. Allow
it to cool for a bit.

The End